I took 3 pregnancy test because my period was late and they all came out positive. I went to the Emergency room because i was lightheaded and dizzy at work so they told me i was one week pregnant and my hcg was 58. So the next morning after I went to the emergency room i start bleeding like my normal period. I had no cramps until later on in the day but it wasn’t severe just normal period cramps. So i went to another emergency room and they are trying to convince me that I’m having a miscarriage. And they also told me i was 4-5 weeks which isn’t true because i conceived during during the week of Jun 4-9 because after my period i didnt have sex because i had to have a pelvic exam on june 2nd because i was having abdominal pain and they gave me a pregnancy test then and ultrasound and the pregnancy test then was negative and the doctors said my ovaries and everything on the ultrasound was fine. My last period was 5/18/12. And when the Doctors Told me it was a miscarriage, they assumed the bleeding was a miscarriage but they didn’t do no vaginal check. I start bleeding Friday so today the bleeding is going away and i’m in no pain. Do you think i should wait a couple of more weeks to see an obgyn since I’m one week pregnant and it.s too early to do an ultrasound? And do you also think the bleeding is my late period? Thanks! This will be my first pregnancy!