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How To Tell My Family I’m Weaning At 1 Week?


BEFORE ANYONE ASKS: yes, I know breast is best. I had an interest in breastfeeding, but I am not against formula in the least. as a matter of fact, I prefer it for myself simply because I am not miserable at feedings and I don’t resent the moment my baby becomes hungry. I believe that a happy mother who bottle feeds will be much better for the child than a sad, angry mother who is struggling to breastfeed or pump and hating every moment of it.
I began breastfeeding my son as soon as he was born, but due to problems with him latching on, I have since been pumping exclusively for the last 2 days. However, I want to switch him to formula. I simply don’t have the energy to keep up with his feedings and take care of myself and my two year old daughter as well. (Also, when my daughter was born, we had the same issues, but the hospital that she was born at began giving her formula and made it even harder to stick with breastfeeding. This was the main cause of my lingering PPD. After a month of struggling to breastfeed, manual pumping, and supplementing with formula, we went to exclusive formula, and I became a much happier and better mother.)
However, my issue is, I want to wean my son at 1 week. While I was pregnant I was very optimistic, and told me family that I really wanted to try breastfeeding again. Over the last week, however, I have made the same decision that I made with my daughter: I simply want to formula feed. I have been having terrible PPD, and both my mother and MIL have told me that they will support me with whatever I choose to do. My husband, however, wanted me to breastfeed exclusively for at least a month, if not more. While I do prefer bottle-feeding, I feel a little guilty for giving up at 1 week after having said I wanted to try again.
How do I make myself feel better about my choice and how do I got my husband and other family members to be okay with it? I don’t really want to be rude to my husband, but it’s not his body being taken over and his sleep being lost, it’s mine. Because of this, I feel like the choice should be mine, and no one should be upset with my choice. How do I make him understand this?

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