So my last period was November 9th. My periods are always regular on the 28th day, sometimes one day early or one day later, but rarely ever. My period lasted 5 days, then i had unprotected sex probably twice a day for 2 weeks. Then right in the middle of my cycle on November 25th and 26th, a few days after ovulation, i had two days of brown spotting, but hardly any, then for the next few days VERY heavy cloudy white discharge (sorry TMI). Then it stopped.
A week later right after intercourse I had two pink spots in my underwear and that was it. After that, a week before my period was due, I had lower back pain and cramps and my nipples were so sensitive, I figured I was going to start my period early. I was supposed to get my period on Friday, December 7th. No period, even 9 days late. I am never this late. I went to the OB/GYN a week ago and she took a urine pregnancy test and it was negative. A few days after that (5 days late) I took a pregnancy test first thing in the morning, still negative.
I’m constantly feeling nauseous, my back is hurting off and on, terrible headache, can’t sleep, and I’m breaking into tears over everything. I don’t know what could be going on, maybe the positive won’t show up for awhile or maybe my period is just being funky. Any ideas or suggestions? I’m currently 9 day’s late which really odd for me. I am so impatient right now! I really do feel pregnant but I’m trying not to get my hopes up. My body says one thing but tests say another. If I don’t get my period by monday I’m going back to the OB/GYN and demanding a blood test! Anyone had similar situations or do you think I could still be pregnant?
Over A Week Late, Pregnancy Symptoms, But Why Am I Getting Negative Tests? Could I Still Be Pregnant?